Distinguished Speakers

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Neil Loneragan

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Neil Loneragan

* Professor Emeritus of Marine Ecology and Conservation, Murdoch University
* Adjunct Professor, IPB University, Indonesia; Visiting Professor UPM, Malaysia
* President Asian Fisheries Society (2022-25)
* Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Asian Fisheries Science ...

Associate Professor Dr. Sutkhet Nakasathien

Associate Professor Dr. Sutkhet Nakasathien

* Kasetsart University, Thailand
Associate Professor Dr. Sutkhet Nakasathien was appointed Chair of the Executive Board of the SEAMEO SEARCA Regional Center for Research and Graduate Studies in Agriculture (SEAMEO SEARCA) in November 2023. In the same ...

Dr. Sharifah Shahrul Syed Alwee

Dr. Sharifah Shahrul Syed Alwee

* Senior Director
* Breeding & Research Services,
* Genetic Innovation Science Group,
* Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR)
Dr. Sharifah is currently the Senior Director of Breeding & Research Services, where ...

Giva Kuppusamy

Giva Kuppusamy

* Founder & CEO of GK Aqua & Sento Biotech
Giva Kuppusamy, the Founder & CEO of GK AQUA, is a renowned expert in Aquaculture Biotechnology. With his highly refined expertise, he has developed ground breaking technology for the production of ...

Dr Feng Zhang

Dr Feng Zhang

* Regional Director, East & South-East Asia
* Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI)
Dr Zhang is currently managing CABI’s operations in China and Malaysia, leading regional business development, and responsible for ...

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. James Hellyward

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. James Hellyward

* Andalas University (Unand), Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. James Hellyward, M.S., IPU., ASEAN. Eng is an Indonesian livestock expert, academic and bureaucrat who served as Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Andalas ...