Publication Opportunities


We are certain that your paper merits attaining its ultimate research destination. Hence, we are committed to assist you at every stage of your research publication journey. In the pursuit of directing your research to the appropriate destination, the 9th IAC2024 has expanded its publication avenues through a collaboration with UPM Press.

      A. Book of Abstracts
      B. Peer-reviewed Journals

A. Book of Abstracts

All accepted abstracts for the 9th International Agriculture Congress (9th IAC2024) will be published in the conference book of Programme and Abstracts.

Abstract Template and Guidelines >> Download

B. Peer-reviewed Journals

Conference participants will have the opportunity to submit their full papers to esteemed journals that hold international accreditation from well-known publishers. Authors are encouraged to carefully read the author instructions and submission guidelines specific to their desired journals.

All peer-reviewed journals employ the double-blind peer-review process for submitted manuscripts. The publication decision is contingent upon the outcome of this peer-review process. Participants are recommended to read the journal’s scope and aim before determining the most appropriate journal for submissions. We adhere to universally accepted publication ethics. As a result, a guarantee for publication will not be provided prior to the submission and completion of the review process. Please be aware that publishers may impose an article publication fee.

1) Pertanika Journal of Agricultural Science

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science is an official journal of Universiti Putra Malaysia. It is an open-access online scientific journal. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science aims to provide a forum for high quality research related to tropical agricultural research. Areas relevant to the scope of the journal include agricultural biotechnology, biochemistry, biology, ecology, fisheries, forestry, food sciences, genetics, microbiology, pathology and management, physiology, plant and animal sciences, production of plants and animals of economic importance, and veterinary medicine.

About the journal
Online ISSN: 2231-8542
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Phebe Ding
Publisher: UPM Press
Journal link:
Instruction to authors: >> Download
Abstracted / Indexed in SCOPUS (Elsevier), Clarivate Web of Science [ESCI], EBSCO, ASEAN CITATION INDEX, Microsoft Academic, National Agricultural Library (NAL), Google Scholar, and MyCite

Publication cost
(i)  Malaysian corresponding author – MYR1200/paper
(ii) Non-Malaysian corresponding author – USD300/paper

Contact us

Conference participants interested in publishing full papers in the esteemed journals are encouraged to contact for further information.