Guidelines for Contributors

Abstract submission

Abstracts must be submitted online in Word. You are invited to submit your abstract in accordance with the provided template and guidelines >> Here

Abstract acceptance

Authors will be informed of their acceptance and method of presentation by June 2024. The scientific committee will try to accommodate your preferred method of presentation; however, as each format will form an integral part of the congress, the organising committee reserves the right to assign papers to either oral or poster presentation as necessary.

Oral presentations

Oral presentations will be limited to 12 min, plus 3 min per presentation for questions/discussion. We strongly encourage presenters to use electronic methods of presentation such as PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat.

Poster presentations

There will be dedicated poster session(s) during the meeting. Presenters will be asked to leave their posters on display for the duration of the congress.

Best Poster Award

There will be a Best Poster Award consisting of three prizes. Awardees will receive a Best Poster Award certificate at the closing ceremony.

A special committee, appointed by the congress convener, will be responsible for selecting the awardees. Presenters are required to present a brief summary (< 2 min) of the poster during judging sessions.

Poster presenters - At the Congress

  • Format:
  • Bunting banner size: 2 feet (width) x 3 feet (height)
  • Bunting banner with top and bottom poles, ready to use
  • Organizers will provide the bunting stand (excluding the poster pole)
  • On arrival, please go directly to the registration desk
  • On registration, you will be given a poster ID
  • Your poster should be displayed for the full length of the congress