Date: 3-5 SEPTEMBER 2024


"Revolutionizing Agriculture for a Sustainable Future"

Welcome to 9th IAC2024


The global population, projected to reach 9 billion by 2050, presents a pressing challenge for agriculturists to ensure sufficient food supply while mitigating the negative environmental impacts of expanding food production.

With nearly half of the world's forests lost and dwindling groundwater sources, alongside biodiversity loss and escalating greenhouse gas emissions, urgent action is needed. By embracing sustainable farming practices, leveraging technology, and implementing climate-smart approaches, a resilient and environmentally conscious agricultural system can be built. Collaborative efforts and innovative thinking are crucial to address the regional and ecological disparities caused by climate change. Having the theme Revolutionizing Agriculture for a Sustainable Future", the 9th International Agriculture Congress 2024 will explore the sustainable agricultural practices and frontiers farming technologies to address food security and safety, preserve natural resources, and safeguard our planet for future generations.

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Distinguished Speakers

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Neil Loneragan

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Neil Loneragan

* Professor Emeritus of Marine Ecology and Conservation, Murdoch University
* Adjunct Professor, IPB University, Indonesia; Visiting Professor UPM, Malaysia
* President Asian Fisheries Society (2022-25)
* Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Asian Fisheries Science ...

Associate Professor Dr. Sutkhet Nakasathien

Associate Professor Dr. Sutkhet Nakasathien

* Kasetsart University, Thailand
Associate Professor Dr. Sutkhet Nakasathien was appointed Chair of the Executive Board of the SEAMEO SEARCA Regional Center for Research and Graduate Studies in Agriculture (SEAMEO SEARCA) in November 2023. In the same ...

Dr. Sharifah Shahrul Syed Alwee

Dr. Sharifah Shahrul Syed Alwee

* Senior Director
* Breeding & Research Services,
* Genetic Innovation Science Group,
* Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR)
Dr. Sharifah is currently the Senior Director of Breeding & Research Services, where ...

Giva Kuppusamy

Giva Kuppusamy

* Founder & CEO of GK Aqua & Sento Biotech
Giva Kuppusamy, the Founder & CEO of GK AQUA, is a renowned expert in Aquaculture Biotechnology. With his highly refined expertise, he has developed ground breaking technology for the production of ...

Dr Feng Zhang

Dr Feng Zhang

* Regional Director, East & South-East Asia
* Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI)
Dr Zhang is currently managing CABI’s operations in China and Malaysia, leading regional business development, and responsible for ...

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. James Hellyward

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. James Hellyward

* Andalas University (Unand), Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. James Hellyward, M.S., IPU., ASEAN. Eng is an Indonesian livestock expert, academic and bureaucrat who served as Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Andalas ...

Welcoming Remarks from the Chairman


Hello and a very warm regards to everyone.

It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all and to invite everyone to join us in the 9th International Agriculture Congress (9th IAC2024), scheduled to take place on September 3rd to 5th, 2024. This congress is a biannual event which is a flagship activity of the Faculty of Agriculture. This congress holds a special place in our hearts as we gather once again to delve into the transformative power of agriculture under the theme "Revolutionizing Agriculture for a Sustainable Future."

In the face of growing global challenges such as climate change and food insecurity,, the role of agriculture in ensuring sustainability cannot be overstated. It is through innovative practices, collaborative efforts, and dedication that we can navigate towards a future where agriculture not only sustains but thrives, ensuring food security, environmental conservation, and economic prosperity for generations to come.

This congress serves as a platform for scientists, academicians, researchers, practitioners, individuals and policymakers from around the globe to exchange ideas, share insights, and foster collaborations that will shape the future of agriculture. Our program encompasses a diverse range of topics, including sustainable farming practices, technological advancements, policy frameworks, and the socio-economic impact of agricultural innovations (please refer to the program for detailed scopes).

As the chairman of the 9th International Agriculture Congress, I cordially invite everyone to join our efforts in getting collective wisdom and expertise in our midst to drive meaningful change and pave the way for a more resilient and sustainable agricultural sector. I am confident that our deliberations will not only enrich our understanding but also inspire action towards sustainable agriculture in future.

I would also like to extend my invitation of agriculture related companies to join us as sponsors and strategic partners towards making this congress a reality. Together, let us begin this transformative journey and revolutionize agriculture for a sustainable future.

Warm regards,

Chairman, 9th International Agriculture Congress

Important Dates

Early bird registration 15 June 2024 (Saturday)
30 June 2024 (Sunday)
Abstract submission deadline 30 June 2024 (Sunday)
15 July 2024 (Monday)
Abstract acceptance notification deadline 31 July 2024 (Wednesday)


Placeholder Image

Crop production

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Livestock production

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Plantation crop industry

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Agricultural green technology

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Aquaculture & fishery

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Urban agriculture

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Agricultural biotechnology

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Economics, agribusiness & policy

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Big data for agriculture

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Landscape & recreational park

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Pest management & biosecurity

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Future crops

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Value chain in agro-based industry

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Agricultural engineering & automation

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Agricultural extension & education

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Herbs & medicinal plants

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Sustainable soil & water management

Who Should Attend

All researchers, academicians, policymakers, industry players, agricultural practitioners, entrepreneurs, and students

Registration Fee

Registration Fee
(Early Bird - before 31st May 2024 30th June 2024)

Registration Fee

Registration Fee

Post-congress tour
Local RM 1200 RM 1350 RM 800 RM 120
International USD 300 USD 350 USD 200 USD 40

Publication Opportunities

We are certain that your paper merits attaining its ultimate research destination. Hence, we are committed to assist you at every stage of your research publication journey. In the pursuit of directing your research to the appropriate destination, the 9th IAC2024 has expanded its publication avenues through a collaboration with UPM Press and Malaysian Society of Soil Science.

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Tentative of the Scientific Programme

Day 1:

3rd September 2024 (Tuesday)

0800 – 0900



Venue: Ballroom Putrajaya 2

0900 – 1045

Opening ceremony

1015 – 1045

Coffee Break & Poster Viewing

1045 – 1115

Distinguished Speaker – Dr. Sharifah Shahrul Syed Alwee (CGIAR):

Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture

1115 – 1145

Distinguished Speaker – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sutkhet Nakasathien (Kasetsart University):

Adapting to Climatic Shifts: Efforts to Enhance the Agricultural Productivity

1145 – 1215

Distinguished Speaker – Mr. Giva Kuppusamy (CEO & Founder of GK Aqua Sdn Bhd):

Harnessing Climate Resilient Circular Economy Protein (CRiPE) for a Greener Future

1215 – 1245

Distinguished Speaker – Dr. Zhang Feng (CABI):

Development of nature-based solutions for sustainable pest management in agroecosystems

1245 – 1300

Q & A

1300 – 1400

Lunch Break


Venue: Ballroom Putrajaya 2



Ballroom Putrajaya 2









1400 – 1645

Session 1: Crop Production

Session 2: Sustainable Soil & Water Management

Session 3: Agricultural Green Technology

Session 4: Plantation Crop Industry

Session 5: Agricultural Extension & Education

1645 – 1700

Coffee Break & Poster Viewing

2000 – 2200

Gala Dinner

Day 2:

4th September 2024 (Wednesday)

Venue: Ballroom Putrajaya 2

0830 – 0900

Distinguished Speaker – Prof. Dr. James Hellyward (Universitas Andalas, Indonesia):

Development Strategy of Agro-Edutourism

0900 – 0930

Distinguished Speaker – Prof.  Emeritus Dr. Neil Loneragan (Murdoch University, Australia):

Sustaining Blue: Strategies for a Healthier Marine Ecosystem

0930 – 1000

Distinguished Speaker – Prof. Dr. Edhi Martono (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia):

1000 – 1015

Q & A

1015 – 1045

Coffee Break & Poster Viewing


Ballroom Putrajaya 2









1045 - 1250

Session 6: Crop Production

Session 7: Sustainable Soil & Water Management

Session 8: Aquaculture & Fisheries

Session 9: Plantation Crop Industry

Session 10: Plant Protection

1250 – 1400

Lunch Break


Ballroom Putrajaya 2









1400 - 1600

Session 11: Agricultural Extension & Education

Session 12: Sustainable Soil & Water Management

Session 13: Future Crops

Session 14: Animal Husbandry

Session 15: Economics, Agribusiness & Policy

1600 – 1630

Best Poster Award Ceremony

Certificate of Appreciation - Jury

Closing Remarks

1630 – 1700

Coffee Break & End of Congress

Day 3:

5th September 2024 (Thursday)

0830 – 1700

Post Conference Tour

Register Now







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